Name four locations where a word document can be saved

1. Local Computer: A word document can be saved on the local computer's hard drive or solid-state drive.

2. Network Drives: Word documents can be saved on network drives for shared access with other users in an organization.
3. Cloud Storage: Word documents can be saved on cloud storage platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive.
4. External Storage Devices: A word document can be saved on external storage devices like USB thumb drives, external hard drives, or CDs/DVDs.

A Word document can be saved in various locations, such as:

1. Local Computer: You can save the Word document on your own computer or laptop's hard drive.
2. External Storage Devices: It can be saved on external devices like USB flash drives, external hard drives, or memory cards.
3. Network Drives: If you are connected to a local network, you can save the document on a shared network drive that is accessible by other users within the network.
4. Cloud Storage: You can save your Word document on cloud storage platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, or iCloud, offering secure storage and easy accessibility from any device with an internet connection.