Health promotion means taking charge of your health and wellness

true or false


The ability to locate, interpret, and apply information related to your health is known as

health literacy.

A problem in one dimension of health will not affect another dimension of health

False. Problems in one dimension of health can often have an impact on other dimensions of health. For example, chronic physical health issues can contribute to mental health problems, and vice versa. Similarly, social and environmental factors can influence both physical and mental health. All dimensions of health are interconnected and can affect each other.

Your actions can affect your health.

True. Your actions and lifestyle choices, such as diet, exercise, smoking, and alcohol consumption, can have a significant impact on your health. Making healthy choices and practicing positive behaviors can improve your overall well-being, while negative behaviors can lead to various health problems and disease.

Optimal health is defined by absence of disease.

False. Optimal health is not solely defined by the absence of disease. It encompasses physical, mental, and social well-being. Optimal health means experiencing a high quality of life, being able to function effectively in daily activities, and having a positive sense of well-being. It involves achieving and maintaining balance across various dimensions of health, including physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects. Simply being free from disease does not necessarily mean that a person has optimal health.

You don't have to be sick to be unhealthy.