brendan has 44 ounces of sports drink. he will pour an equal amount of sports drink into 10 cups. how much of the sports drink will brendan pour into each cup

To find how much Brendan will pour into each cup, we need to divide the total amount of sports drink by the number of cups.

44 ounces ÷ 10 cups = <<44/10=4.4>>4.4 ounces

Brendan will pour 4.4 ounces of sports drink into each cup.

Use the standard algorithm to multiply 475×96. Record the product of multiplying by the ones digit, the product of multiplying by the tens digit, and the final product.(2 points)

The product of multiplying by the ones digit is
. The product of multiplying by the tens digit is
. The product is

To find the product using the standard algorithm, we multiply each digit of the second number by each digit of the first number and then add up the results.

First, let's multiply the ones digit of 96 by 475:
5 * 96 = 480

Now, let's multiply the tens digit of 96 by 475:
9 * 475 = 4275

Now, let's calculate the final product by adding these two results together:
480 + 4275 = 4755

The product of multiplying by the ones digit is 480.
The product of multiplying by the tens digit is 4275.
The final product is 4755.

Use the standard algorithm to find the product of 853 and 59. Record the product of multiplying by the ones digit, the product of multiplying by the tens digit, and the final product.(2 points)

The product of multiplying the ones digit of 59 by 853 is
. The product of multiplying the tens digit of 59 by 853 is
. The product is

To find the product using the standard algorithm, we multiply each digit of the second number by each digit of the first number and then add up the results.

First, let's multiply the ones digit of 59 by 853:
3 * 59 = 177

Now, let's multiply the tens digit of 59 by 853:
5 * 853 = 4265

Now, let's calculate the final product by adding these two results together:
177 + 4265 = 4442

The product of multiplying the ones digit of 59 by 853 is 177.
The product of multiplying the tens digit of 59 by 853 is 4265.
The product is 4442.

To find out how much sports drink Brendan will pour into each cup, we need to divide the total amount of sports drink (44 ounces) by the number of cups (10).

44 ounces ÷ 10 cups = 4.4 ounces

Therefore, Brendan will pour 4.4 ounces of sports drink into each cup.

To find out how much sports drink Brendan will pour into each cup, you need to divide the total amount of sports drink (44 ounces) by the number of cups (10).

To do this, simply divide 44 by 10.

44 ÷ 10 = 4.4

Therefore, Brendan will pour 4.4 ounces of sports drink into each cup.