(1 point)


the ordered pair (0, 8)
- image with description: the ordered pair (0, 8) - - incorrect

the ordered pair (negative 1, 8)
- image with description: the ordered pair (negative 1, 8) - - no response given

the ordered pair (1.5, 10)
- image with description: the ordered pair (1.5, 10) - - no response given

the ordered pair (2, 16)

- image with description: the ordered pair (2, 16) - This ordered pair represents the point on a coordinate plane where the x-coordinate is 2 and the y-coordinate is 16.

To determine the step-by-step process of finding the ordered pair (2, 16), we need more information. Are you looking for a specific equation or function that produces this ordered pair? Please provide additional context or details so I can assist you further.