Describe the political philosophy of the Egyptian government through all three major dynastic periods.(1 point)



feminist system
feminist system


absolute monarchy

absolute monarchy

The Egyptian government went through three major dynastic periods: the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom. The political philosophy varied during each of these periods.

1. Old Kingdom:
During the Old Kingdom, which lasted from around 2686 BCE to 2181 BCE, the political philosophy of the Egyptian government can be characterized as an absolute monarchy. The pharaoh held supreme power and was considered a divine ruler, believed to be the intermediary between the gods and the people. The pharaoh's role was to maintain order and ensure the prosperity of the kingdom. The bureaucracy played a crucial role in governing the country, assisting the pharaoh in implementing his policies and managing the affairs of the state.

2. Middle Kingdom:
In the Middle Kingdom, which lasted from around 2055 BCE to 1650 BCE, the political philosophy of the Egyptian government shifted slightly. While the pharaoh still held absolute power and was revered as a divine ruler, there was a greater emphasis on the well-being of the people. The pharaoh was seen as a paternalistic figure, responsible for the welfare of his subjects. The government focused on promoting social and economic stability, with an emphasis on public works projects, such as irrigation systems and agricultural development, to improve the lives of the people.

3. New Kingdom:
During the New Kingdom, which lasted from around 1550 BCE to 1069 BCE, the political philosophy of the Egyptian government remained similar to the Middle Kingdom. The pharaoh continued to hold absolute power and was considered a divine ruler. However, the New Kingdom saw a significant expansion of the Egyptian empire, leading to a more centralized government. The bureaucracy grew in size and power, allowing the pharaoh to effectively govern the empire. The military played a significant role during this period, with the pharaoh leading military campaigns to protect and expand Egyptian territory.

Overall, the political philosophy of the Egyptian government through all three major dynastic periods can be described as an absolute monarchy, with the pharaoh as the central figure of power and authority.