Consider 16–20.5. What is the solution? Represent the subtraction on a horizontal number line diagram.

16 - 20.5 = -4.5

The subtraction can be represented on a horizontal number line diagram as follows:

-5 -4 -4.5 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
16 - 20.5 = -4.5

To subtract 20.5 from 16, we start by representing the numbers on a number line:

First, mark the number 16 on the number line.

Then, mark the number 20.5 on the number line to the right of 16.

Next, draw an arrow from 20.5 pointing towards 16.

The length of the arrow represents the difference between the two numbers.

To find the exact value of the difference, we subtract the two numbers: 20.5 - 16 = 4.5.

Therefore, the solution to the subtraction 16 - 20.5 is 4.5.