Consider 16-20.5. What is the solution? Represent the subtraction on a horizontal number line diagram.

To solve the subtraction problem 16-20.5, we start at 16 on the number line and then move 20.5 units to the left. However, since 20.5 is greater than 16, we will have to go into negative numbers.

On the number line diagram, we would represent 16 as a point on the line. Then, we would count and move 20.5 units to the left. This would take us past 0, into the negative numbers, and closer to -4.5.

So, the solution to 16-20.5 is approximately -4.5.

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To compute 16-20.5, we start by representing the numbers on a horizontal number line diagram.

Step 1: Draw a horizontal line.
Step 2: Mark a point for 0 on the far left.
Step 3: Move to the right and mark a point for 16.
Step 4: Continue to move right and mark a point for 20.5.

Now that we have represented the numbers on the number line, we can find the difference between 16 and 20.5.

Step 5: Start at the point representing 16.
Step 6: Move to the left towards the point representing 20.5.
Step 7: Count the number of units (or intervals) between 16 and 20.5.
Step 8: The count corresponds to the solution of the subtraction.

On the number line, you will notice that there are 4.5 units (intervals) between 16 and 20.5, indicating that the solution to 16-20.5 is -4.5.

Please note that the diagram is not provided here as this is a text-based platform. However, you can easily draw a horizontal number line on paper or using a digital drawing tool to represent the numbers and follow the steps mentioned above.