In the absence of light, seedlings will exhibit certain physiological and morphological changes:

1. Etiolation: The seedlings will undergo etiolation, which is a process where they become elongated, thin, and pale in color. This is because without light, the seedlings prioritize elongation of stems to reach a light source, resulting in weak and spindly growth.

2. Reduced Chlorophyll Production: Lack of light prevents seedlings from producing chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for photosynthesis. As a result, the seedlings will have reduced or no green coloration.

3. Stunted Growth: Without light energy, seedlings will experience limited or no growth. This is because the energy required for growth and development comes from photosynthesis, which cannot occur without light.

4. Impaired Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis cannot take place without light, so seedlings in the absence of light will have limited or no ability to produce carbohydrates and nutrients necessary for their growth and survival.

5. Nutrient Depletion: In the absence of light, seedlings rely on stored energy and nutrients within the seed. Without the ability to replenish these nutrients through photosynthesis, seedlings will eventually deplete their nutrient reserves, leading to their death.

Overall, the absence of light is detrimental to seedling growth and survival, as they depend on light energy for photosynthesis, chlorophyll production, and nutrient synthesis.

In the absence of light, seedlings are not able to perform photosynthesis, which is the process through which plants convert light energy into chemical energy. As a result, several significant changes occur in seedlings:

1. Elongation: Seedlings elongate or stretch out in search of light. This process is known as etiolation. The stem of the seedling becomes elongated and thin, and the leaves may appear pale or yellowish.

2. Lack of chlorophyll production: Without light, seedlings are unable to produce chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for capturing light energy. Consequently, the leaves of the seedlings may turn white or yellow due to the absence of chlorophyll.

3. Stunted growth: Seedlings require light for proper growth and development. In the absence of light, their growth is usually hindered, resulting in stunted growth or even death.

4. Weakening of the seedling: Light plays a crucial role in strengthening seedlings by providing energy for cellular respiration. Without light, seedlings may become weak and more susceptible to diseases and pests.

It's worth noting that the specific response of seedlings to the absence of light can vary depending on the plant species. Some seedlings are more tolerant of low light conditions, while others may require light to survive and thrive.