The changing light at San Francisco

is none of your East Coast light
none of your
pearly light of Paris
The light of San Francisco
is a sea light
an island light
And the light of fog
blanketing the hills
drifting in at night
through the Golden Gate
to lie on the city at dawn
And then the halcyon late mornings
after the fog burns off
and the sun paints white houses
with the sea light of Greece
with sharp clean shadows
making the town look like
it had just been painted
But the wind comes up at four o’clock
sweeping the hills
And then the veil of light of early evening
And then another scrim
when the new night fog
floats in
And in that vale of light
the city drifts
anchorless upon the ocean


14a. In “The Changing Light,” What does the light symbolize? *1 point
a. The pure white light symbolizes the struggle of good vs. evil
b. It is imagery so that we picture his beautiful city
c. The different types of light represents differences in different places and change over time. ⇐my answer

14b. What could the phrase "anchorless upon the ocean" represent?* 1 point

14.c. — I agree

What does “anchorless” mean? Have you looked it up?
If a boat is “anchorless,” what will it do?