Evaluate a over z + bw2 for a = 21, b = 3, w = 6, and z = 7.

(1 point)





To evaluate a over z + bw2 for a = 21, b = 3, w = 6, and z = 7, we substitute the given values into the expression:

a over z + bw^2 = 21 / 7 + 3 * 6^2

Simplifying the equation, we get:

a over z + bw^2 = 3 + 3 * 36

a over z + bw^2 = 3 + 108

a over z + bw^2 = 111

Therefore, the correct answer is 111.

What is the product?

(1 point)





To evaluate the expression a over z + bw^2 for a = 21, b = 3, w = 6, and z = 7, follow these steps:

Step 1: Substitute the given values into the expression.

Substitute a = 21, b = 3, w = 6, and z = 7 into a over z + bw^2:
21 over 7 + 3 * 6^2

Step 2: Simplify the expression.

First, calculate 6^2:
6^2 = 36

Next, multiply b and w^2:
3 * 36 = 108

Finally, divide a by z and add the result to the previous result:
21 over 7 + 108 = 3 + 108 = 111

Therefore, the value of the expression a over z + bw^2 for a = 21, b = 3, w = 6, and z = 7 is 111.

To evaluate the expression a over z + bw^2, we substitute the given values of a, b, w, and z into the expression and perform the calculation step by step.

Step 1: Substitute the given values into the variables:
a = 21
b = 3
w = 6
z = 7

Step 2: Replace the variables in the expression with their corresponding values:
a/z + bw^2 = 21/7 + 3*6^2

Step 3: Evaluate the expression using the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS):
a/z + bw^2 = 3 + 3*36

Step 4: Perform the multiplication first:
a/z + bw^2 = 3 + 108

Step 5: Perform the addition:
a/z + bw^2 = 111

Therefore, the value of the expression a over z + bw^2, when a = 21, b = 3, w = 6, and z = 7, is 111.