You access your Blackboard Collaborate class using Google Chrome as your browser.  You recently updated Google Chrome and you have a stable internet connection, but you are not able to connect to the session. What might be affecting your ability to join the class?

The headphones connected to the devices aren’t working. 

Using the video function. 

Your computer needs to be updated. 

Other open programs and streaming services. 

Other open programs and streaming services might be affecting your ability to join the class.

The possible reasons affecting your ability to join the class could be:

1. The headphones connected to the device aren't working: This can prevent you from hearing the audio in the session, but it should not impact your ability to connect to the session itself.

2. Using the video function: Enabling the video function in Blackboard Collaborate requires a stable and strong internet connection. If your internet connection is weak or unstable, it may prevent you from connecting to the session.

3. Your computer needs to be updated: Updating your computer's operating system, browser, or necessary plugins could be necessary for optimal functionality in Blackboard Collaborate. Check for any available updates and ensure that your system meets the requirements for Blackboard Collaborate.

4. Other open programs and streaming services: Running multiple programs or streaming services, especially those that consume a significant amount of bandwidth, can impact your internet connection and may result in difficulties connecting to the session. It is recommended to close unnecessary programs and pause any streaming services while attending the session.

In this scenario, the most likely cause would be a weak or unstable internet connection, which can be addressed by troubleshooting your network or contacting your internet service provider for assistance.