Which transformation(s) will result in a figure that has the same orientation as the original figure?(1 point)

Rotations of 180 degrees and translations by distances equal to multiples of the length of the original figure will result in a figure that has the same orientation as the original figure.

so is it translation and rotation?

There are several transformations that can result in a figure with the same orientation as the original figure, including:

1. Translation: This transformation involves moving the figure in a straight line without rotating or reflecting it.

2. Rotation: If the figure is rotated by any multiple of 360 degrees, it will retain the same orientation.

3. Reflection: If the figure is reflected across a line of symmetry, it will have the same orientation as the original figure.

4. Combination of translation, rotation, and reflection: In certain cases, a combination of translation, rotation, and reflection can also result in a figure with the same orientation as the original figure.

It's important to note that a dilation (resizing) does not preserve orientation, as it can result in a figure being upside down or flipped.