Which transformation(s) where results in the figure that has the same orientation as the original figure?

The transformation that results in the figure having the same orientation as the original figure is the identity transformation, which means no change is made to the figure.

There are three main transformations that can result in a figure with the same orientation as the original figure. These are:

1. Translation: This involves sliding the figure in any direction without rotating or reflecting it. The shape and size remain the same, but the position changes.

2. Rotation: This involves rotating the figure around a fixed point. The shape and size remain the same, but the orientation changes.

3. Combination of translation and rotation: This involves both sliding and rotating the figure simultaneously. The shape and size remain the same, but the position and orientation change.

It's important to note that a reflection (flipping) would change the orientation of the figure, so it does not result in the figure having the same orientation as the original.