a diver is 15 feet below sea level. the diver than swims up 15 feet to the surface. which expression shows the correct sum?

-15 + 15

Here are the actual correct answers.

A1: -24/6
A2: Find -5/9 on the number line and count 2/9 spaces to the left
A3: 23
A4: 9/15
A5: -22.029
A6: 32.95 + (-3.50) = 29.45 is the amount Bryce has left from his earnings last weekend after purchasing the birthday card.
A7: -15.6
A8: -45.25
A9: 16.94
A10: -28
A11: -116.83
A12: 123 F
A13: 3,200 points
A14: (-15) + 15 = 0
A15: A diver was 30 feet below the surface and swam upward 30 feet. What is the change of elevation?


The correct expression to show the sum of the diver's movements is:

-15 + 15

which simplifies to:


Therefore, the correct sum is 0.

To find the expression that shows the correct sum, we need to consider the diver's initial depth and the distance they swim upwards.

The diver starts at a depth of 15 feet below sea level, so we can represent this as -15 feet. When the diver swims up, they cover a distance of 15 feet in the upward direction. Thus, we can represent this as +15 feet.

To find the sum of these two distances, we add the two values together:

-15 feet + 15 feet

Simplifying this expression, we get:

-15 + 15 = 0

Therefore, the correct expression for the sum is 0, indicating that the diver returns to the surface at sea level.