4. What does progressive overload mean?

Progressive overload refers to the concept of gradually increasing the demands placed on the body during exercise in order to continually make progress and see improvements. It involves progressively increasing factors such as intensity, frequency, or duration of exercise in order to challenge different aspects of the body's strength, endurance, or flexibility. This gradual increase in workload helps to stimulate adaptations and improvements in various physiological systems, leading to improved fitness and performance over time.

Progressive overload refers to a principle in exercise and fitness training where you gradually increase the demands placed on your body over time. It involves progressively increasing the intensity, frequency, or duration of your workouts to continuously challenge your muscles, cardiovascular system, or other targeted areas of improvement. By consistently pushing your body beyond its current capacity, progressive overload helps to stimulate muscle growth, increase strength, and enhance overall fitness levels. This can be achieved through various methods such as increasing weight loads, adding repetitions or sets, shortening rest periods, or incorporating more challenging exercises. The goal is to consistently challenge and adapt your body to prevent plateauing and continue making improvements.