In 2012, astronomers reported the discovery of a planet that revolved around two Sun-like stars. Kepler-34b, a gaseous planet, revolves around the stars every 289 days, and the stars revolve around each other every 28 days. This information was presented in the January 11, 2012, issue of the journal Nature.

Based on the information in the article, which title would be most appropriate?

New Planet Found in Open Cluster System
New Planet Discovered in Binary Star System
Discovery: New Globular Cluster and Planet
Discovery: Star System Orbiting New Planet

New Planet Discovered in Binary Star System


You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

oh, sorry about the poop 😹

No problem at all! Don't worry about it. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with! 😄

The most appropriate title based on the information in the article would be "New Planet Discovered in Binary Star System."

Based on the information provided, the most appropriate title would be "New Planet Discovered in Binary Star System." This is because the article discusses the discovery of a planet that revolves around two Sun-like stars, indicating that it is located in a binary star system.