Select the correct words to fill in the blanks to this sentence: As a planet draws away from the sun in its orbit, the gravity pull from the sun pulls _________on the planet and the planet's speed _________.

1 point
forwards, decreases
backwards, decreases
backwards, increases
forwards, increases

backwards, decreases

Selecting the correct words to fill in the blanks, the sentence should be: "As a planet draws away from the sun in its orbit, the gravity pull from the sun pulls backwards on the planet and the planet's speed decreases." Therefore, the correct answer is "backwards, decreases."

To fill in the blanks correctly, we need to understand the relationship between a planet's distance from the sun and the gravitational pull it experiences, as well as the effect on its speed.

As a planet draws away from the sun in its orbit, the gravity pull from the sun pulls ___________ on the planet and the planet's speed _________.

Let's break it down:

1. When a planet moves away from the sun in its orbit, the distance between the planet and the sun increases.
2. According to the law of universal gravitation, the force of gravity between two objects decreases as the distance between them increases.
3. Therefore, as the planet moves away from the sun, the gravitational pull from the sun decreases.

Now, let's discuss the effect on the planet's speed:

1. The speed of a planet in its orbit is determined by the gravitational pull from the sun.
2. According to the law of gravitational attraction, a planet's speed increases when the gravitational pull is stronger, and decreases when the gravitational pull is weaker.
3. Since the gravitational pull from the sun decreases as the planet moves away from it, the planet's speed decreases.

Now, let's match the correct words to fill in the blanks:

As a planet draws away from the sun in its orbit, the gravity pull from the sun pulls __backwards__ on the planet, and the planet's speed __decreases__.