Use the additive inverse to find −123.45−(−234.76).(1 point)


negative 358.21




To find the additive inverse of a number, you simply change its sign.

The additive inverse of −234.76 is 234.76.

So, to solve −123.45−(−234.76), we can rewrite it as −123.45 + 234.76.

Now we can subtract the two numbers:

−123.45 + 234.76 = 111.31

Therefore, the correct solution is 111.31.

Answer: 111.31


are you making this up because these are different answers🤨

Use the additive inverse to find −2445−6710.(1 point)


negative 31 Start Fraction 1 over 10 End Fraction

negative 18 Start Fraction 1 over 10 End Fraction

31 Start Fraction 1 over 2 End Fraction


To find the additive inverse of a number, you simply change its sign.

The additive inverse of −6710 is 6710.

So, to solve −2445−(−6710), we can rewrite it as −2445 + 6710.

Now we can subtract the two numbers:

−2445 + 6710 = 4265

Therefore, the correct solution is 4265.

Answer: 4265

Use the additive inverse to find −24 4/5−6 7/10.(1 point)


−31 1/10
negative 31 Start Fraction 1 over 10 End Fraction

−18 1/10
negative 18 Start Fraction 1 over 10 End Fraction

31 1/2
31 Start Fraction 1 over 2 End Fraction

−31 1/2


Apologies for the confusion.

To find the additive inverse of a number, you simply change its sign.

The additive inverse of -6 7/10 is 6 7/10.

So, to solve -24 4/5 - (-6 7/10), we can rewrite it as -24 4/5 + 6 7/10.

Now we can subtract the two numbers:

-24 4/5 + 6 7/10 = -17 9/10

Therefore, the correct solution is -17 9/10.

Answer: -17 9/10.

Apologies for any confusion caused. Based on the given expression of −24 4/5−6 7/10:

First, we need to convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions.
-24 4/5 can be written as -24 + 4/5 = -120/5 + 4/5 = -124/5
-6 7/10 can be written as -6 + 7/10 = -60/10 + 7/10 = -53/10

Now we can rewrite the expression as -124/5 - (-53/10)

To subtract fractions, we need a common denominator, which in this case is 10:

-124/5 - (-53/10) = -124/5 + 53/10

Now, we can combine the fractions:

-124/5 + 53/10 = (-124 * 2)/(5 * 2) + 53/10 = -248/10 + 53/10 = -195/10

The resulting fraction -195/10 can be simplified as -19 1/2.

Therefore, the correct solution is -19 1/2.

Answer: -19 1/2.

Apologies for the confusion caused. I made an error in my previous response. Let's correct the solution:

To find the additive inverse of a number, you simply change its sign.

The additive inverse of -6 7/10 is 6 7/10.

So, to solve -24 4/5 - (-6 7/10), we can rewrite it as -24 4/5 + 6 7/10.

Now we need to find a common denominator to add the fractions:

-24 4/5 + 6 7/10 = -124/5 + 67/10

To add these fractions, they need a common denominator of 10:

-124/5 + 67/10 = (-124 * 2)/(5 * 2) + 67/10 = -248/10 + 67/10 = -181/10

Therefore, the correct solution is -181/10, which can also be expressed as -18 1/10.

Apologies for any confusion caused by my previous incorrect response.

Answer: -18 1/10.