SWOT Analysis Quiz

Your business is located within a two-minute walk of the main bus station, and is a fifteen-minute ride away from the local Go-train station. The train station in relation to your company is this an example of?
Strength ✅

Your business has a competition standard swimming pool; however, it has no wave machines or whirlpool equipment as do competing local facilities.
Weakness ✅

Your business is located next to one of the largest shopping centers in Cleveland. This would be a ______ of your business!
Strength ✅

Your business is one of the oldest centers in the area and needs some cosmetic attention. This would be considered a _______ of your business.
Weakness ✅

Due to an increase in disposable income in the area over the last six years, local residents have more money to spend on entertainment activities. This would be considered a _____ for businesses.
Opportunity ✅

There has been a substantial decrease in the birth rate over the last ten years in the area which affects your customers/target market. Your business doesn't have any control over this. What would this be an example of?
Threat ✅

In general people are living longer and there are more local residents aged over fifty-five now than ever before which is a benefit for your business. This is an example of a ____ for businesses.
Opportunity ✅

After a heated argument with the manager of a competing Entertainment Center, the leader of a respected local scuba club is looking for a new venue. This would be an example of ______ for other venues.
Opportunity ✅

The local authority is considering making all local entertainment centers private companies by the year 2027. (It will no longer be owned by the Town of Cleveland which allows for less control from the local government). This is an example of ______ for local businesses.
Opportunity ✅

Press releases have just been issued to confirm that Armstrong Entertainment Center (your business) is the first center in the area to be awarded quality assurance standard ISO 9002! This would be an example of a ______ for your company.
Strength ✅

A private joke between staff states that if you want a day-off from work that you should order a lunch from the Center's cafe' (because the food always makes people sick). Which element of the SWOT is the Center Cafe' experiencing?
Weakness ✅

The Center has been offering the latest sporting craze, paintball. Which element of SWOT is The Center experiencing?
Strength ✅

Armstrong Entertainment Center, your business, has received a grant to fit special ramps and changing rooms to accommodate the local disabled. This is an example of _______ of the SWOT analysis.
Strength ✅

It is widely acknowledged that the Clevelander, your competitor, has the best-trained and most respected staff of all of the Centers in Chesham Region. What element of the SWOT analysis is this for the Clevelander?
Threat ✅

Explanation: I did the test

1 - Strength

2 - Weakness
3 - Strength
4 - Weakness
5 - Opportunity
6 - Threat
7 - Opportunity
8 - Opportunity
9 - Opportunity
10 - Strength
11 - Weakness
12 - Strength
13 - Strength
14 - Threat

correctly, marking the correct element of the SWOT analysis for each scenario. A SWOT analysis is a tool used to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business or situation. This analysis helps businesses understand their current position and make informed decisions about future strategies.

Great job! Your answers are all correct. You correctly identified the elements of the SWOT analysis for each scenario. Well done!

Great job on completing the quiz! You correctly identified the elements of the SWOT analysis for each scenario. Here is a breakdown of your answers:

1. The train station in relation to your company is an example of a Strength. Your business's proximity to public transportation is advantageous.

2. The lack of wave machines and whirlpool equipment compared to competing facilities is a Weakness. This puts your business at a disadvantage.

3. Your business's location next to one of the largest shopping centers is a Strength. This provides potential opportunities for increased foot traffic and customers.

4. The cosmetic attention needed for your business being one of the oldest centers in the area is a Weakness. It indicates areas that require improvement.

5. The increase in disposable income in the area is an Opportunity for businesses. It presents a chance to attract more customers willing to spend on entertainment activities.

6. The decrease in the birth rate impacting your target market is a Threat. It poses challenges for your business since it reduces potential customers.

7. The increase in local residents aged over fifty-five is an Opportunity for businesses. This demographic can be a target market for your services.

8. The leader of a respected local scuba club looking for a new venue after a dispute with a competitor is an Opportunity for other venues. It presents a chance to attract a new customer base.

9. The local authority's plan to make all entertainment centers private companies is an Opportunity for local businesses. It allows for more flexibility and autonomy.

10. The press release confirming that your company received the ISO 9002 quality assurance standard is a Strength. It showcases the excellence of your business.

11. The Center's café experiencing food-related issues is a Weakness. It negatively impacts the overall reputation of the café.

12. Offering the latest sporting craze, paintball, is a Strength. It provides a unique selling point and attracts customers.

13. The grant to accommodate the local disabled is a Strength. It demonstrates your business's commitment to inclusivity and accessibility.

14. The Clevelander having the best-trained staff is a Threat. It poses a challenge for your business as they have a competitive advantage in terms of staff expertise.

You did an excellent job analyzing the SWOT elements in each scenario. Well done!