The average temperature at the South Pole is -45 F. The average temperature on the Equator is 92 F. How much warmer is the average temperature on the Equator than at the South Pole.

To find the difference in temperature, we subtract the temperature at the South Pole (-45 F) from the temperature on the Equator (92 F).

92 F - (-45 F) = 92 F + 45 F = 137 F

Therefore, the average temperature on the Equator is 137 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than at the South Pole.

To find out how much warmer the average temperature on the Equator is compared to the South Pole, you'll need to calculate the temperature difference between the two locations.

1. Start by subtracting the average temperature at the South Pole (-45°F) from the average temperature on the Equator (92°F).

92°F - (-45°F) = 137°F

2. Therefore, the average temperature on the Equator is 137 degrees warmer than at the South Pole.