Tina was writing a report about the weather in Fairbanks, Alaska. Tina included this information about the weather in Fairbanks in her report.

Average Summer Temperature: 61℉
Average Winter Temperature: -12℉
What was the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in ℉?

The difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska is 61℉ - (-12℉) = 73℉.

-851 - (-394)

To find the difference between -851 and -394, you subtract the negative number from the other negative number:

-851 - (-394) = -851 + 394

Now, adding a negative number is the same as subtracting its absolute value, so:

-851 + 394 = -457

Therefore, the difference between -851 and -394 is -457.

To find the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in ℉, we subtract the average winter temperature from the average summer temperature.

Average Summer Temperature - Average Winter Temperature = 61℉ - (-12℉)

To subtract a negative number, we can change the subtraction to addition and change the sign of the number we are subtracting.

61℉ + 12℉ = 73℉

Therefore, the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature is 73℉.

To find the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska, we need to subtract the average winter temperature from the average summer temperature.

The average summer temperature is given as 61℉, and the average winter temperature is given as -12℉. To subtract -12 from 61, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the average summer temperature: 61℉.
Step 2: Write down the average winter temperature: -12℉.
Step 3: Subtract the average winter temperature from the average summer temperature: 61 - (-12).

To subtract a negative number, you can change it to addition. So, -12 becomes +12.
This simplifies the calculation to 61 + 12.

Calculating 61 + 12, we get 73.

Therefore, the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska is 73 degrees Fahrenheit.