Because of the influence of John Calvin, Protestant churches developed in which of the following countries?

The influence of John Calvin led to the development of Protestant churches primarily in the following countries:

1. Switzerland: John Calvin himself was based in Geneva, Switzerland, where he established the Reformed Church. His teachings and influence significantly shaped the Protestant movement in Switzerland.

2. France: Although Calvin was originally from France, his ideas faced significant opposition there due to the dominant Catholic Church. However, his teachings found a receptive audience among French Protestants known as Huguenots.

3. Scotland: John Calvin's ideas were embraced by Scottish theologian John Knox, who played a crucial role in the establishment of Presbyterianism and the formation of the Church of Scotland, which became the national church.

4. Netherlands: The Dutch Reformed Church was heavily influenced by Calvin's teachings and became one of the main Protestant denominations in the Netherlands.

5. Hungary: Calvinism also gained popularity in Hungary, where it became a significant religious and cultural force.

Overall, the influence of John Calvin extended beyond these countries to influence Protestantism worldwide.

Because of the influence of John Calvin, Protestant churches developed in various countries. Some of the significant countries where Calvinism took hold include:

1. Switzerland: John Calvin himself played a major role in establishing the Reformed tradition in Geneva, Switzerland. His teachings and ideas spread throughout the country, creating a strong foundation for Protestant churches.

2. France: Despite facing persecution, Calvin's teachings gained a significant following in France, leading to the establishment of Reformed churches, particularly in areas like Paris, Normandy, and the Loire Valley.

3. Scotland: John Knox, who was heavily influenced by Calvin, played a pivotal role in the Reformation in Scotland. Calvinism became the dominant form of Protestantism in the country and shaped the Scottish church.

4. Netherlands: Calvinism had a substantial impact in the Netherlands, leading to the establishment of the Dutch Reformed Church. The Netherlands became a stronghold of Protestantism, and Calvinist ideas influenced religious, social, and political life in the country.

5. England: Although Henry VIII's break with the Catholic Church was not directly inspired by Calvinism, Calvinist ideas gained prominence during the English Reformation. Puritan groups influenced by Calvinism emerged, leading to tensions within the Church of England.

Additionally, Calvinist ideas had ripple effects in various other European countries, including Germany, Hungary, Poland, and the United States, where they influenced the formation of different Protestant denominations.