What is the key to personal fulfillment in your job? how did you get your answer. (1 point)

sacrificing your beliefs for greater benefits

pursuing new job opportunities at all times

finding a balance between lifestyle and values

avoiding jobs with low salaries and long hours

finding a balance between lifestyle and values.

The key to personal fulfillment in your job is finding a balance between lifestyle and values. This answer was determined by analyzing the provided options and identifying the one that aligns with principles of personal fulfillment. Sacrificing beliefs for greater benefits may lead to internal conflict and dissatisfaction, pursuing new job opportunities at all times may not provide stability or a sense of purpose, and avoiding jobs with low salaries and long hours focuses solely on extrinsic factors rather than overall fulfillment. On the other hand, finding a balance between lifestyle and values recognizes the importance of aligning one's work with their personal beliefs and priorities, leading to a greater sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in their job.