Four square gardens have the following areas in square meters: 144, 32, 72 ,and 250 which area has a rational number of meters as the side length? Is it 144

No, the area 144 does not necessarily have a rational number as the side length. To determine if a number is a rational number, we need to check if its square root is a rational number. The square root of 144 is 12, which is a rational number. Therefore, the garden with an area of 144 square meters has a rational number as the side length.

To determine which garden has a rational number of meters as the side length, we need to find the garden with an area that is a perfect square.

The areas of the four square gardens are: 144, 32, 72, and 250.

Let's check if the side length of the garden with an area of 144 square meters is rational.

To find the side length of a square, we take the square root of the area. The square root of 144 is 12.

Since 12 is a whole number, the side length of the garden with an area of 144 square meters is a rational number.

Therefore, you are correct. The garden with an area of 144 square meters has a rational number of meters as the side length.