Use the image to answer the question.

What is the surface area of the net of the triangular prism?
(1 point)
779 square meters
768 square meters
822 square meters
790 square meters

Given the options provided, the closest one to the corrected surface area calculation of 29520 square meters would be:

768 square meters

To find the surface area of the triangular prism, we need to find the area of each face and add them up.

The net of the triangular prism has a triangular base with a height of 20 meters and a width of 369 meters. The area of the triangle can be found using the formula: A = 1/2 * base * height.
A = 1/2 * 369 * 20 = 3690 square meters.

There are two identical triangular faces on the prism, so the total area of the triangular faces is: 2 * 3690 = 7380 square meters.

The lateral faces of the prism are rectangles with a length of 369 meters and a height of 20 meters. The area of one lateral face can be found using the formula: A = length * height.
A = 369 * 20 = 7380 square meters.

There are three rectangular lateral faces on the prism, so the total area of the lateral faces is: 3 * 7380 = 22140 square meters.

Therefore, the total surface area of the net of the triangular prism is: 7380 + 22140 = 29520 square meters.

However, given the options, none of them match the calculated surface area of the net of the triangular prism, so it seems there may be a mistake in the calculations or in the options provided.

pick an option

Since the calculated surface area of the net of the triangular prism is not matching with any of the provided options, I would recommend rechecking the calculations.

which one of the 4 pick the right answer