Messi scored 91 goals in 69 games but scored 79 goals in 51 games as a false nine and Ronaldo scored 69 goals in 56 games as a left winger. If a false nine has a increased chance of scoring more goals than a winger. How many goals will Ronaldo have scored in 51 games as a false nine. Explain in detail along with simplified mathematical expressions.

To determine how many goals Ronaldo will have scored in 51 games as a false nine, we can start by finding the average number of goals he scored per game as a left winger. This is calculated by dividing the total number of goals (69) by the number of games (56):

Average goals per game as a left winger = 69 goals / 56 games = 1.232 goals per game

Now, we can use this average to estimate how many goals Ronaldo would score in 51 games as a false nine. Since a false nine has an increased chance of scoring more goals, we can assume that Ronaldo's scoring rate will increase.

We can set up a proportional relationship to determine the expected number of goals for Ronaldo in 51 games as a false nine:

1.232 goals per game as a left winger = x goals per game as a false nine for 51 games

To find x, we can cross-multiply and solve the equation:

1.232 goals per game * 51 games = x goals per game * 1 game
63.048 goals = x goals per game

Therefore, Ronaldo would be expected to score approximately 63 goals in 51 games as a false nine.

To determine the number of goals Ronaldo would have scored in 51 games as a false nine, we can use the given information:

1. Messi scored 91 goals in 69 games, including 79 goals in 51 games as a false nine.
2. Ronaldo scored 69 goals in 56 games as a left winger.

Since we know that a false nine has a higher chance of scoring more goals compared to a winger, we can make a direct comparison between Messi's goals as a false nine and Ronaldo's goals as a left winger. This will give us the ratio of goals for both positions.

Let's calculate the average number of goals scored per game for each player:

1. Messi as a false nine: 79 goals in 51 games.
Goals per game = 79 goals / 51 games = 1.549 goals/game

2. Ronaldo as a left winger: 69 goals in 56 games.
Goals per game = 69 goals / 56 games = 1.232 goals/game

Now, let's calculate the ratio of goals per game between Messi and Ronaldo:

Goal ratio = Messi's goals per game / Ronaldo's goals per game
= 1.549 goals/game / 1.232 goals/game
≈ 1.259

This ratio represents the difference in goal-scoring efficiency between Messi as a false nine and Ronaldo as a left winger.

To estimate the number of goals Ronaldo would have scored in 51 games as a false nine, we'll apply this ratio to his actual performance as a winger:

Goals as a false nine ≈ Ronaldo's goals as a winger * Goal ratio
≈ 69 goals * 1.259
≈ 86.831 goals

Since we cannot have fractional goals, we'll round down the result to the nearest whole number:

Goals as a false nine ≈ 86 goals

Therefore, based on the given assumptions and calculations, Ronaldo would have scored approximately 86 goals in 51 games as a false nine.