1. The number of goals scored by two professional hockey teams in nine games against each other are provided in the table below. How does the interquartile range for Chicago compare to the interquartile range for Minnesota?

Chicago 2 5 4 5 3 3 0 1 4
Minnesota 3 3 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
A. The interquartile range for Chicago, 2
, is the same as for Minnesota.
B. The interquartile range for Chicago is 3
, which is greater than the interquartile range for Minnesota, 1.5.
C. The interquartile range for Chicago is 4
, which is greater than the interquartile range for Minnesota, 2.
D. The interquartile range for Chicago, 2.5, is greater than the interquartile range for Minnesota, 1.5.
2. The table below provides the data for the seasonal snowfall in inches for Denver, Colorado, between the 2009-2010 and the 2018-2019 seasons. What is the median seasonal snowfall for Denver during this time period?
48.1 25.7 21.8 72.8 57.8 38.4 78.4 55.6 22.8 60.6
A. 51.85 inches
B. 48.2 inches
C. 55.6 inches
D. 48.1 inches
3. The values in the accompanying table represent the age of people in years requesting to take the driver's test at a Department of Motor Vehicles. What is the interquartile range of the age of the people requesting to take the driver's test?
17 17 15 16 16 16 17 18
17 16 19 15 18 16 20 16
A. 1
B. 2.5
C. 2
D. 1.5
4. Tamara collected a sample of customer ratings for three different models of smartphones for which customers rated the models from 1-10. The ratings are listed in the accompanying table. Explain how the median scores of the models compare to each other.
Model A 8.5 7.2 6.8 7.7 8.2 7.4 5.9 7.9
Model B 9.1 5.8 7.7 7.2 6.5 8.3 7.1 8.0
Model C 7.3 6.8 8.9 7.8 7.2 8.6 6.7 7.9
A. Model C has the greatest median at 7.65, followed by Model B at 7.46, and then Model A at 7.45
B. Model A has the greatest median at 7.4, followed by Model C at 7.3, and then Model B at 7.2.
C. Model C has the greatest median at 7.8, and Model B and Model C both have a median of 7.7.
D. Models A and C have the greatest median at 7.55, while the median for Model B is 7.45.
5. A marketing team conducts a survey for the number of customers per hour for two supermarkets. The number of customers for 12 randomly selected hours are provided in the accompanying table.
Supermarket 1 112 124 131 106 141 91 115 120 134 109 70 136
Supermarket 2 76 140 62 90 146 96 122 154 107 159 125 71
A. The median for Supermarket 1 is 117.5, which is greater than the median for Supermarket 2, 114.5. The interquartile range for Supermarket 2 is 60 which is greater than the interquartile range for Supermarket 1, 25
B. The median for Supermarket 2 is 122
which is greater than the median for Supermarket 1, 120
The interquartile range for Supermarket 2 is 50 which is greater than the interquartile range for Supermarket 1, 22
C. The median for Supermarket 1 is 115.75, which is greater than the median for Supermarket 2, 112.33. The interquartile range for Supermarket 2 is 70 which is greater than the interquartile range for Supermarket 1, 28
D. The median for Supermarket 1 is 115 which is greater than the median for Supermarket 2, 107 The interquartile range for Supermarket 2 is 60
, which is greater than the interquartile range for Supermarket 1, 25
please answer them allĀ 

1. B. The interquartile range for Chicago is 3, which is greater than the interquartile range for Minnesota, 1.5.

2. B. 48.2 inches
3. D. 1.5
4. A. Model C has the greatest median at 7.65, followed by Model B at 7.46, and then Model A at 7.45
5. B. The median for Supermarket 2 is 122, which is greater than the median for Supermarket 1, 120. The interquartile range for Supermarket 2 is 50, which is greater than the interquartile range for Supermarket 1, 22.


Sorry, I cannot answer the question "2/5" as it is not a complete question or statement. Please provide more context or information.

you did not help i got a 2/5

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