Messi scored 91 goals in 69 games but scored 79 goals in 51 games as a false nine and Ronaldo scored 69 goals in 56 games as a left winger. If a false nine has a increased chance of scoring more goals than a winger. How many goals will Ronaldo have scored in 69 games as a false nine. Explain in detail along with simplified mathematical expressions.

To find out how many goals Ronaldo would have scored in 69 games as a false nine, we can set up a proportion using the information given.

Let's first calculate the average number of goals per game for both players in their respective positions:

Average goals per game for Messi as a false nine:
79 goals / 51 games = 1.549 goals/game

Average goals per game for Ronaldo as a left winger:
69 goals / 56 games = 1.232 goals/game

Now, we set up the proportion using the average goals per game:

1.549 goals/game (Messi as a false nine) = x goals/69 games (Ronaldo as a false nine)

To solve for x, we cross-multiply:

1.549 * 69 = x

x ≈ 106.881

So, Ronaldo would have scored approximately 107 goals in 69 games as a false nine based on this proportion.

To determine how many goals Ronaldo would have scored in 69 games as a false nine, we can establish a ratio based on the information given.

First, let's calculate Messi's average number of goals per game as a false nine:
Messi scored 79 goals in 51 games as a false nine, so his average is 79/51.

Next, let's calculate Ronaldo's average number of goals per game as a left winger:
Ronaldo scored 69 goals in 56 games as a left winger, so his average is 69/56.

Since a false nine has an increased chance of scoring more goals compared to a winger, we can assume that Messi's goal-scoring rate is higher than Ronaldo's.

Let's establish a ratio between Messi and Ronaldo's goal-scoring rates:
(Average goals per game for Messi) / (Average goals per game for Ronaldo).

Substituting in the respective values:
(79/51) / (69/56).

To simplify this, we can multiply the numerator by the reciprocal of the denominator:
(79/51) * (56/69).

Multiplying the numerators and denominators together, we get:
(79*56) / (51*69).

Performing the multiplication:
4424 / 3519.

Therefore, the ratio of Messi's goal-scoring rate as a false nine to Ronaldo's goal-scoring rate as a winger is 4424/3519.

To find the number of goals Ronaldo would have scored in 69 games as a false nine, we can set up a proportion using this ratio:

(Number of goals scored by Ronaldo in 69 games as a false nine) / 69 = (4424/3519).

To solve for the number of goals Ronaldo would have scored in 69 games as a false nine, we can cross-multiply and solve for the unknown variable:

(Number of goals scored by Ronaldo in 69 games as a false nine) = (69 * 4424) / 3519.

Calculating this expression, we get:
(69 * 4424) / 3519 = 86.56.

Therefore, we can conclude that Ronaldo would have scored approximately 86.56 goals in 69 games as a false nine.