Messi scored 91 goals in 69 games but scored 79 goals in 51 games as a false nine and Ronaldo scored 69 goals in 56 games as a left winger. If a false nine has a increased chance of scoring more goals than a winger. How many goals will Ronaldo have scored in the same amount of games as Messi as a false nine. Explain in detail along with simplified mathematical expressions.

To find the number of goals Ronaldo would have scored in the same amount of games as Messi as a false nine, we need to first determine the average number of goals Messi scored per game as a false nine.

Messi scored 79 goals in 51 games as a false nine.
Therefore, his average goals per game as a false nine = 79 goals / 51 games = 1.549 goals per game (rounded to three decimal places).

Since we are assuming that Ronaldo would have the same increased chance of scoring more goals as a false nine, we can calculate the number of goals he would have scored by multiplying his games played by the average goals per game of Messi as a false nine.

Ronaldo played 56 games as a left winger.
Therefore, to calculate the number of goals Ronaldo would have scored as a false nine, we use the following expression:

Number of goals Ronaldo would have scored = 1.549 goals per game * 56 games.

Calculating this expression:
Number of goals Ronaldo would have scored = 1.549 * 56 = 86.744 goals (rounded to three decimal places).

Therefore, Ronaldo would have scored approximately 87 goals in the same amount of games as Messi if he played as a false nine, assuming the same increased chance of scoring more goals.

To find out how many goals Ronaldo would have scored in the same number of games as Messi as a false nine, we need to compare their goal-scoring rates.

First, let's calculate Messi's goal-scoring rate as a false nine. Messi scored 79 goals in 51 games, so his goal-scoring rate is 79 goals divided by 51 games: 79/51 ≈ 1.55 goals per game.

Now, let's calculate Ronaldo's goal-scoring rate as a left winger. Ronaldo scored 69 goals in 56 games, so his goal-scoring rate is 69 goals divided by 56 games: 69/56 ≈ 1.23 goals per game.

Since a false nine has an increased chance of scoring more goals than a winger, we can assume that Ronaldo's goal-scoring rate as a false nine would be higher than his goal-scoring rate as a winger.

To calculate Ronaldo's projected goal-scoring rate as a false nine, we can use a ratio:

Goal-scoring rate as a false nine / Goal-scoring rate as a winger = x

1.55 / 1.23 = x

x ≈ 1.26

This ratio tells us that Ronaldo's goal-scoring rate as a false nine is approximately 1.26 times higher than his goal-scoring rate as a winger.

Now, to find out how many goals Ronaldo would have scored as a false nine in the same number of games as Messi, we can use another ratio:

Goals scored as a false nine / Games played as a false nine = Goals scored as a winger / Games played as a winger

x / g = 91 / 69

Substituting the value of x, we get:

1.26 / g = 91 / 69

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1.26g = (91 * 69)

Dividing both sides by 1.26, we get:

g ≈ (91 * 69) / 1.26

Therefore, Ronaldo would have scored approximately (91 * 69) / 1.26 goals in the same number of games as Messi as a false nine.