1. Narrate the covenant God made with Abraham

2. state three lessons learnt from the covenant

1. The covenant God made with Abraham is narrated in the book of Genesis in the Bible. God appeared to Abraham and promised to make him the father of a great nation. He assured Abraham that his descendants would be numerous, as countless as the stars in the sky. God also promised to bless Abraham and make his name great. He vowed to bless those who blessed Abraham and curse those who cursed him. Additionally, God promised to give Abraham and his descendants a land to possess, the land of Canaan.

2. Three lessons learnt from the covenant with Abraham are:

- Trust in God's promises: Abraham had to trust in God's promise of making him the father of a great nation, even though he and his wife Sarah were old and childless. This teaches us the importance of trusting in God's promises even when circumstances seem impossible.

- Faithfulness leads to blessings: Abraham's faithfulness and obedience to God's commands resulted in him being blessed. He followed God's instructions without question, such as when he was asked to leave his homeland and journey to an unknown land. This teaches us that our faithfulness to God can lead to blessings in our own lives.

- God's plans are long-term: The covenant with Abraham was not fulfilled immediately. It took generations for his descendants to become a great nation and possess the promised land. This teaches us patience and reminds us that God's plans often involve a longer timeframe than we may initially expect. It encourages us to persevere and trust in God's timing for the fulfillment of his promises.

1. The covenant God made with Abraham is a significant event in the Bible that laid the foundation for God's plan of salvation for humanity. This covenant is mentioned in Genesis 15:1-21 and Genesis 17:1-27.

In Genesis 15, God promises Abraham that He will give him descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky. To seal the covenant, Abraham sacrifices several animals, and God passes through the animal pieces, symbolizing that He is making the covenant unilaterally and is bound to fulfill His promises.

In Genesis 17, God reaffirms the covenant with Abraham and changes his name from Abram to Abraham, meaning "the father of many nations." God also establishes circumcision as a sign of the covenant, requiring all males to be circumcised as a physical reminder of their belonging to God.

2. Three lessons we can learn from the covenant God made with Abraham are:

a. God's faithfulness: Despite Abraham's doubts and shortcomings, God remained faithful to His promise. This teaches us that God is faithful and trustworthy, even when circumstances seem impossible. We can find comfort and assurance in knowing that God keeps His promises.

b. Obeying God's commands: The covenant required Abraham and his descendants to be circumcised. This obedience was not simply a ritual but a symbolic act of surrendering to God's authority and aligning oneself with His purposes. Similarly, we are called to obey God's commands, knowing that they are for our good and in line with His plans.

c. The blessings of obedience: Through the covenant, God promised to bless Abraham and his descendants abundantly. This teaches us that obedience to God leads to blessings. While these blessings may not always be material or immediate, God's faithfulness and goodness are evident when we trust and obey Him.

Overall, the covenant with Abraham emphasizes God's faithfulness, the importance of obedience, and the blessings that come from following Him. It serves as a reminder of God's eternal plan for humanity and His desire to establish a relationship with His people.