Messi scored 91 goals in 69 games in a calendar year in a false nine position and Ronaldo scored 69 goals as as a left winger in 56 games in 2013. How many goals will Ronaldo have scored in a false nine position in the same amount of games as Messi.

To find out how many goals Ronaldo will have scored in a false nine position, we need to calculate his goal ratio in 2013.

Ronaldo scored 69 goals in 56 games in 2013 as a left winger.

Therefore, his goal ratio as a left winger in 2013 is 69 goals / 56 games = 1.2321 goals per game.

Now, let's assume Ronaldo plays the same number of games as Messi (69 games) in a false nine position.

So, Ronaldo's total number of goals in a false nine position would be 1.2321 goals per game * 69 games = 85.01 goals.

Therefore, Ronaldo would have scored approximately 85 goals in a false nine position in the same number of games as Messi.

To calculate the number of goals Ronaldo will have scored in a false nine position in the same amount of games as Messi, we can use a proportional reasoning approach based on their goal-to-game ratio.

First, let's calculate Messi's goal-to-game ratio as a false nine:
Messi scored 91 goals in 69 games as a false nine.
Goal-to-game ratio for Messi as a false nine = 91 goals / 69 games.

Next, let's apply Messi's goal-to-game ratio to Ronaldo's games to find out how many goals Ronaldo would have scored as a false nine in the same amount of games:
Ronaldo played 56 games in 2013.
Goals Ronaldo would have scored as a false nine in the same amount of games = Goal-to-game ratio for Messi as a false nine * Number of games played by Ronaldo.

Now, let's calculate Ronaldo's projected goals as a false nine:
Goals Ronaldo would have scored as a false nine in the same amount of games = (91 goals / 69 games) * 56 games.

Therefore, Ronaldo would have scored approximately (91/69) * 56 = 73.3 goals as a false nine in the same amount of games as Messi.