Use the table to answer the question.

Game Goals Scored
1 6
2 1
3 1
4 0
5 3
6 1
7 0
8 3
9 8
What value, the mean or median, best describes the shape of the data set that contains the number of goals scored by the soccer team?(1 point)

The median value of 1 is the best measure of center that describes the shape of the data set.
The median value of 1 is the best measure of center that describes the shape of the data set.

The mean value of 1 is the best measure of center that describes the shape of the data set.
The mean value of 1 is the best measure of center that describes the shape of the data set.

The median value of 2.6 is the best measure of center that describes the shape of the data set.
The median value of 2.6 is the best measure of center that describes the shape of the data set.

The mean value of 2.6 is the best measure of center that describes the shape of the data set.

To determine whether the mean or median best describes the shape of the data set, we need to consider the distribution of the data.

The mean is calculated by adding up all the values in the data set and then dividing by the total number of values. In this case, the mean would be (6 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 8) / 9 = 2.6.

The median, on the other hand, is obtained by arranging the data set in ascending order and finding the middle value. If there is an even number of values, the median is the average of the two middle values. In this case, the median would be the middle value of the sorted data set.

Looking at the data set, we can sort the values in ascending order: 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 6, 8.
Since there are an odd number of values (9), the middle value is the fifth value, which is 1.

Comparing the mean and median, we see that the mean value is 2.6, while the median value is 1.

Based on the given data set, the median value of 1 is the best measure of center that describes the shape of the data set.