For a ride on a rental scooter, Trey paid an $8 fee to start the scooter plus 6 cents per minute of the ride. The total bill for Trey's ride was .$16.16 For how many minutes did Trey ride the scooter?

Let's say Trey rode the scooter for x minutes

The amount of money Trey paid per minute is 6 cents, so he paid 6*x = 6x cents for the minutes he rode the scooter.
Therefore, Trey's total bill is 8*100 + 6x = 800 + 6x cents. Now let's convert this to dollars: $8 + $0.06x
Since Trey's bill is $16.16, we get 8+0.06x = 16.16.
Now, we subtract 8 from both sides to get 0.06x = 16.16 - 8 = 8.16.
Now, we divide both sides by 0.06 to find that x = 8.16 / 0.06 = 136.
Therefore, Trey rode the scooter for 136 minutes. Answer: \boxed{136}.

To find the number of minutes Trey rode the scooter, we can use the information given:

Let "x" be the number of minutes Trey rode the scooter.

We know that Trey paid an $8 fee to start the scooter plus 6 cents per minute.

So, the total cost for the ride can be represented by the equation:

Total Cost = $8 + 0.06x

We are given that the total bill for Trey's ride was $16.16. So we can set up the equation:

16.16 = 8 + 0.06x

To solve this equation, we can subtract 8 from both sides:

16.16 - 8 = 8 - 8 + 0.06x
8.16 = 0.06x

Next, we can divide both sides by 0.06 to isolate "x":

8.16 / 0.06 = x

x ≈ 136

Therefore, Trey rode the scooter for approximately 136 minutes.