Which statement best assesses the connection between English governmental structure and U.S. political thought?(1 point)


The Framers wanted the U.S. government to be exactly like the English government.

The Framers thought a constitutional monarchy would be the best form of government.

The Framers copied the Magna Carta word for word when creating the U.S. government.

The Framers used English governmental structure as a foundation of their political thought.

The Framers used English governmental structure as a foundation of their political thought.

The correct statement that best assesses the connection between English governmental structure and U.S. political thought is: The Framers used English governmental structure as a foundation of their political thought.

To determine the correct statement that best assesses the connection between English governmental structure and U.S. political thought, we need to understand the intentions and influences of the Framers of the U.S. Constitution.

The correct statement is: "The Framers used English governmental structure as a foundation of their political thought."


The Framers of the U.S. Constitution drew upon various sources and influences when designing the structure of the American government. One significant influence was the English governmental structure, which they regarded as a foundation for their political thought. However, it is important to note that the Framers did not want to simply replicate the English government exactly as it was. Instead, they incorporated certain elements and concepts of English governance into the structure of the U.S. government.

For instance, the concept of a bicameral legislature, where there are two separate chambers (the Senate and the House of Representatives), was borrowed from the English Parliament. The Framers also took inspiration from the English system of common law, which emphasizes the importance of precedents and legal interpretations.

While the Framers acknowledged the usefulness of certain aspects of the English governmental structure, they also made significant departures and modifications to tailor the U.S. political system to their vision. The concept of a constitutional monarchy, as mentioned in one of the response options, was not favored by the Framers. Instead, they embraced the idea of a republic with a separation of powers between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

In summary, the Framers of the U.S. Constitution used the English governmental structure as a foundation of their political thought, incorporating relevant principles and adapting them to create a unique system for the United States.