High levels reduce the likilyhood that Each of the following favors labor and child birth except labor will begin .

A) oxytocin
D)stretch of the myometrium

The correct answer is E) progesterone.

High levels of oxytocin, estrogen, prostaglandins, and stretch of the myometrium all favor labor and childbirth. Oxytocin is a hormone that stimulates contractions of the uterus during labor. Estrogen helps to regulate and prepare the uterus and cervix for labor. Prostaglandins also help to soften and thin the cervix, preparing it for childbirth. The stretch of the myometrium (the muscular middle layer of the uterus) signals the release of oxytocin and promotes contractions.

On the other hand, high levels of progesterone actually inhibit labor and maintain pregnancy. Progesterone helps to relax the muscles of the uterus and prevent contractions before it is time for labor to begin. As pregnancy progresses and it is time for labor to start, progesterone levels decrease, allowing labor to begin.

High levels do not reduce the likelihood of labor and childbirth. In fact, they play a crucial role in the initiation and progress of labor. Let's go through each option to understand their role:

A) Oxytocin: Oxytocin is a hormone that stimulates contractions of the uterus during labor. High levels of oxytocin are necessary for the onset and progress of labor.

B) Estrogen: Estrogen levels increase during pregnancy and play a role in preparing the body for childbirth. It helps to soften and dilate the cervix, promote the growth of the uterine lining, and stimulate contractions.

C) Prostaglandins: Prostaglandins are hormones that help initiate and regulate contractions and cervical ripening. High levels of prostaglandins help promote labor and prepare the cervix for childbirth.

D) Stretch of the myometrium: The myometrium refers to the muscular layer of the uterus. As the baby grows and the uterus stretches, it initiates hormonal responses that contribute to the onset of labor.

E) Progesterone: Progesterone is a hormone that plays a vital role in maintaining pregnancy. However, as labor approaches, the levels of progesterone decrease while the levels of other hormones, such as estrogen and prostaglandins, increase.

Therefore, based on the given options, the correct answer is: None of the above options (A, B, C, D, or E) reduce the likelihood of labor and childbirth.