The local business will donate $5.00 for every 10 tickets sold. Let x represent tickets sold, and y represent dollars donated. Student A claims that the equation is y = 2x Student B claims that the equation is y = 1/2 * x Explain who is correct. 2-3 sentences.

Student A is correct. If the local business donates $5.00 for every 10 tickets sold, then the rate at which they donate is $5.00 per 10 tickets, or $0.50 per ticket. This means that for every x tickets sold, they will donate y dollars, with y being equal to two times x, or y = 2x. Student B's claim, y = 1/2 * x, does not accurately represent the donation rate.

Student B is correct. The equation should be y = 1/2 * x since the business donates $0.50 (half of $1.00) for every ticket sold. The equation y = 2x suggests that the business donates $2.00 for every ticket sold, which is not accurate.