A zookeeper is monitoring the population of penguins. The group needs to have exactly two times more males than females for the population to thrive. The zoo only has room for a maximum of 10 female penguins. Let x represent the number of female penguins and y represent the number of male penguins. Write the constraints that represent the possible number of male and female penguins that can live in a thriving population at the zoo.

The constraints that represent the possible number of male and female penguins that can live in a thriving population at the zoo are:

1. y = 2x (There must be exactly two times more males than females for the population to thrive)
2. x ≤ 10 (There can be a maximum of 10 female penguins)

A zookeeper is monitoring the population of penguins. The group needs to have exactly two times more males than females for the population to thrive. The zoo only has room for a maximum of 10 female penguins. Let x represent the number of female penguins and y represent the number of male penguins. Write the constraints that represent the possible number of male and female penguins that can live in a thriving population at the zoo.

0 < x ≤ 10 and 0 < y ≤ 20
x > 0 and y > 0
0 < x ≤ 10 and y > 20
x > 0 and y < 10

The constraints that represent the possible number of male and female penguins that can live in a thriving population at the zoo are:

1. 0 < x ≤ 10 (There can be between 1 and 10 female penguins, since the zoo has room for a maximum of 10)
2. y = 2x (There must be exactly two times more males than females for the population to thrive)
3. 0 < y ≤ 20 (There can be between 1 and 20 male penguins, since the male population must be at least twice the female population)

Megan purchased a new gadget for her technology hobby. She plans to sell it sometime in the future; however, its value depreciates monthly. The expression shows the depreciated sales value of the gadget:

2,020 − 22m

What does the coefficient of the expression represent?

The coefficient of the expression, -22, represents the rate of depreciation of the gadget's sales value per month. That is, the value of the gadget decreases by $22 every month.

To represent the constraints for the possible number of male and female penguins in a thriving population at the zoo, we can use the following equations:

1. The number of male penguins (y) must be exactly two times the number of female penguins (x): y = 2x.

2. The maximum number of female penguins allowed (x) is 10: x ≤ 10.

3. The number of male penguins (y) must not exceed the maximum capacity of the zoo, which we will assume is unlimited: y > 0.

Combining these constraints, we have the following system of inequalities:

y = 2x
x ≤ 10
y > 0

To represent the constraints for the number of male and female penguins in a thriving population at the zoo, we need to consider the given conditions and the maximum capacity for female penguins.

1. The population needs to have exactly two times more males than females.
This can be represented as: y = 2x

2. The zoo has room for a maximum of 10 female penguins.
This can be represented as: x ≤ 10

Combining these two conditions, the constraints for the possible number of male and female penguins in a thriving population at the zoo can be written as:

x ≤ 10 (the number of female penguins is less than or equal to 10)
y = 2x (the number of male penguins is equal to two times the number of female penguins)