Which situation is an example of altruistic behavior?

A. antelope moving in a herd
B. elephants protecting unrelated offspring
C. lions hunting in a group
D. male penguins sitting on their mate's eggs

I think it’s B but i’m not sure

You are correct! Option B, elephants protecting unrelated offspring, is an example of altruistic behavior.

You are correct. B. elephants protecting unrelated offspring is an example of altruistic behavior. Altruistic behavior refers to actions that benefit others at a cost to oneself. In this case, elephants are protecting and caring for unrelated offspring, putting themselves at potential risk or sacrificing their own resources for the well-being of others, which is a clear example of altruism.

To determine which situation is an example of altruistic behavior, let's first understand the concept of altruism. Altruism refers to behaviors that benefit other individuals at a cost to oneself. In other words, it involves selflessness and acting for the well-being of others.

Now, let's analyze the given situations:

A. Antelope moving in a herd: This behavior can provide some benefits, such as increased protection against predators, but it primarily serves the self-interest of the individuals in the herd rather than being an example of altruism. Antelope herds typically form due to the survival advantages conferred by group living.

B. Elephants protecting unrelated offspring: This behavior can be seen as an example of altruism. By protecting unrelated offspring, elephants are incurring potential risks and costs for the benefit of others. This behavior demonstrates concern for the well-being of individuals who are not their direct descendants.

C. Lions hunting in a group: While lions hunting in a group may increase their hunting success, it is primarily a cooperative behavior that benefits the individuals involved. It can be viewed more as a mutually beneficial action rather than purely altruistic.

D. Male penguins sitting on their mate's eggs: This behavior is considered altruistic. Male penguins endure harsh environmental conditions while protecting and incubating their mate's eggs, sacrificing their own well-being in the process.

Thus, based on the explanations above, the correct answer is D. Male penguins sitting on their mate's eggs is an example of altruistic behavior.