How many pounds (Ib) are in 80 kilograms (kg)? Conversion factor: 2.2 lb=1kg Show all work using dimensional analysis

To convert kilograms to pounds using dimensional analysis, you need to set up the conversion factor ratio so that the kilograms unit cancels out, leaving the pounds unit as the result.

Conversion Factor: 2.2 lb = 1 kg

We can set up the dimensional analysis as follows:

80 kg × (2.2 lb / 1 kg) = ?

The kg units cancel out:

80 kg × (2.2 lb / 1 kg) = 176 lb

Therefore, 80 kilograms is equal to 176 pounds.

To convert kilograms to pounds, we can use the conversion factor 2.2 lb = 1 kg. Let's set up the conversion using dimensional analysis:

We know that 1 kg = 2.2 lb

To convert 80 kg to lb, we can set up the conversion as follows:

80 kg × (2.2 lb / 1 kg) = 176 lb

Therefore, there are 176 pounds (lb) in 80 kilograms (kg).