Ordered: 1.33 g On hand: 333 mg / tab.

How many tablets will be given per dose. Show all work
(Round to nearest tenth if applicable)
The patient will receive

To find out how many tablets will be given per dose, we need to divide the amount ordered by the amount on hand per tablet.

Amount ordered: 1.33 g
Amount on hand per tablet: 333 mg

First, we need to convert grams to milligrams:
1.33 g = 1.33 * 1000 mg = 1330 mg

Next, we divide the amount ordered by the amount on hand per tablet:
1330 mg / 333 mg/tab = 3.99 tabs

Since we cannot have a fraction of a tablet, we round to the nearest whole number:
Rounded to the nearest whole number = 4 tabs

Therefore, 4 tablets will be given per dose.

To find out how many tablets will be given per dose, we need to compare the ordered amount with the amount per tablet.

Ordered amount: 1.33 g
On hand amount per tablet: 333 mg

To compare them, we need to convert the ordered amount to the same units as the on hand amount.

1 g = 1000 mg

So, we can convert the ordered amount to milligrams by multiplying it by 1000:

1.33 g * 1000 mg/g = 1330 mg

Now, we can calculate the number of tablets given per dose by dividing the converted ordered amount by the on hand amount per tablet:

1330 mg / 333 mg/tab = 3.99 tabs

Since we are rounding to the nearest tenth, the number of tablets given per dose would be rounded to 4 tablets.