Which detail best supports the writer’s idea that “statesmanship is not an abstract skill, but a contextual one”?

The strategy he preferred would have contained the spread of slavery, then gradually eliminated itit [Lincoln’s strategy] failed in the end, since the South concluded that it could not trust President Lincoln, who received not a single electoral vote from the South, to protect its “peculiar institution.in the maelstrom of war, Lincoln overcame his disinclinations2 to see that the Union could only be preserved if it sought to achieve something greater than its own survival.Lincoln was above all a war president.And he might well have found out, as Winston Churchill or George H. W. Bush later did, that voters prefer very different kinds of leaders in times of peace and war.

The detail that best supports the writer's idea that "statesmanship is not an abstract skill, but a contextual one" is: "In the maelstrom of war, Lincoln overcame his disinclinations to see that the Union could only be preserved if it sought to achieve something greater than its own survival." This detail highlights the context in which Lincoln had to make decisions and shows that his skills as a statesman were influenced by the circumstances of the Civil War.

Before the Industrial Revolution, everything was made by hand. An extraordinary amount of care and attention went into the construction of just about everything. As the twentieth century progressed, however, the ability to skillfully craft something by hand became less common. The rise of automated machines and mass production began to replace the thought and detail of their human counterparts.

Though the market for skilled craftspeople has declined, it has not completely gone away. In fact, the popularity of handicrafts and homemade items is seeing a revival. The crafts are often a form of hobby or art practiced by people who have full-time jobs in other industries. The Internet has allowed for a whole new type of craftsperson to emerge. People today are making handcrafts and selling them online to customers all over the world.
Many types of handicrafts are available online today. Though they may look different in design and usage from the handicrafts of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, many of the techniques are still the same.


Embroidery is a craft that involves decorating fabric with a needle and thread (or yarn). Embroidery sometimes uses other items, like beads, feathers, or sequins. Most of the classic embroidery stitches, such as the chain stitch, the blanket stitch, and the cross stitch, are still used today. Traditional embroidery was often done on clothing, sheets, towels, and pillows. A quick search of the Internet today will uncover artisans selling embroidered shirts featuring company logos, Christmas stockings with popular cartoon characters, wall hangings with inspirational sayings, coin purses with retro designs, and even monogrammed dog sweaters.


Origami is the art of paper folding that is often associated with Japan. Origami consists of transforming a flat sheet of paper into a finished form through the use of folds and creases. Traditional origami does allow cutting the paper or starting with non-square pieces of paper, a practice discouraged in modern origami. Paper cranes, fish, frogs, and other natural elements are common forms in traditional origami. Today, modular origami is popular among paper crafters. Modular origami consists of putting together multiple pieces of origami to create a final product. Fruit bowls, lamp shades, vases, string light covers, earrings, door wreathes, and peacock-shaped table centerpieces are just a small amount of the origami creations that one can find available for purchase.

Jewelry Making

The design and creation of jewelry is probably one of the longest lasting and consistently popular handicrafts. The ancient profession of goldsmithing and metalworking has morphed into the jewelry production business. Jewelry is a type of wearable art that traditionally involved metals and gemstones. Jewelry design has evolved to reflect popular art styles. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, decorative belts, and rings continue to be popular types of jewelry. However, in modern online stores, buyers can find jewelry featuring objects unlikely to be found on historical pieces, such as necklaces with jeweled mustaches, earrings that look like headphones, and bracelet charms painted to look like the jar of a popular brand of peanut butter.
The popularity of the Internet and online shopping will only continue to drive more aspiring artisans to create and sell their goods. Although automated machines and technology have eradicated many traditional practices, they have also helped to revitalize the role of craftspeople in modern society.

Select all the correct answers.
What are two reasons why the author decided to include information about different types of handicrafts?
to show how handicrafts are still thriving
to show a brief history of the development of handicrafts
to show how technology has replaced traditional handicraft techniques
to show a wide range of popular handicrafts
to show how the demand for handicrafts is fading

The correct answers are:

- to show how handicrafts are still thriving
- to show a wide range of popular handicrafts

"I've been told that it goes up into their horns at times like this," said a dairymaid.

What inference can be made based on the highlighted sentence in the passage?

The new cowhand doesn’t know how to use a three-legged stool to milk a cow.
When cows get nervous, they can't be milked as easily.
A new milker has to be careful because a cow might get spooked and use its horns.
Because Tess is present, the workers must sing to the cows.

The inference that can be made based on the highlighted sentence in the passage is: B. When cows get nervous, they can't be milked as easily.

(26) One of the most recent locations of choice for wind farm “planting” is in the ocean. (27) In 2007, the state of Delaware debated whether to put a wind farm off its resort coastline or develop a new fossil-fuel power plant. (28) At the time, residents and resort owners worried about the impact a wind farm development would have on tourism. (29) The developers designed the farm so it would be six miles offshore. (30) Nevertheless, people were worried that the appearance of the tall towers offshore would make tourists less likely to visit. (31) It turns out that, according to the AWEA, tourism can sometimes increase with the development of a wind farm. (32) People like to see the majesty of the tall turbines standing proudly in the distance.

Which research question most likely contributed to the author’s development of the sixth paragraph (sentences 26-32)?

Who designs wind farms and why?
How do ocean wind farms affect tourism in their areas?
Why did the state of Delaware debate whether to build a wind farm off its resort coastline or develop a new fossil-fuel power plant?
Where are the various locations one can plant wind farms?

The research question that most likely contributed to the author's development of the sixth paragraph is: B. How do ocean wind farms affect tourism in their areas? This question directly relates to the concerns raised by residents and resort owners in Delaware about the impact of a wind farm on tourism, and the subsequent discussion of the AWEA's findings on the positive effect wind farms can have on tourism.

A writer is using the following text to write an essay about greed:

adapted excerpt from To Be Famous We Must Be Ambitious
by Rosetta Dunigan

Ambition is an excessive quality and, as such, is apt to lead us to the most extraordinary results. If our ambition leads us to excel or seek to excel in that which is good, the currents we follow will be of great good. But if our ambition is stimulated by pride, envy, or vanity, we will confine our support principally to the counter currents of life. In this way, we will leave behind us misery and destruction.

The happiness promised by ambition dissolves in sorrow just as we are about to grasp it. It makes the same mistake concerning wealth. She begins by accumulating power as a means of happiness, but she finishes by continuing to accumulate it as an end.

Which sentence in the writer’s essay should the writer revise to include an in-text citation?

Greed is one of the most important issues in our society, and it has been for many decades. Unfortunately, there are many people who prioritize money over other, more important things, such as their relationships or values. The happiness promised by wealth often dissolves in sorrow just as we are about to grasp it. Those who believe money will make their lives better often eventually realize that the opposite is true.

The sentence in the writer's essay that should be revised to include an in-text citation is: "The happiness promised by wealth often dissolves in sorrow just as we are about to grasp it."

To include an in-text citation, the writer should provide the source of this information or idea by using a citation format such as (Dunigan).

A writer is using the following text to write an essay about greed:

adapted excerpt from To Be Famous We Must Be Ambitious
by Rosetta Dunigan

Ambition is an excessive quality and, as such, is apt to lead us to the most extraordinary results. If our ambition leads us to excel or seek to excel in that which is good, the currents we follow will be of great good. But if our ambition is stimulated by pride, envy, or vanity, we will confine our support principally to the counter currents of life. In this way, we will leave behind us misery and destruction.

The happiness promised by ambition dissolves in sorrow just as we are about to grasp it. It makes the same mistake concerning wealth. She begins by accumulating power as a means of happiness, but she finishes by continuing to accumulate it as an end.

Which sentence in the writer’s essay should the writer revise to include an in-text citation?

Greed is one of the most important issues in our society, and it has been for many decades. Unfortunately, there are many people who prioritize money over other, more important things, such as their relationships or values. The happiness promised by wealth often dissolves in sorrow just as we are about to grasp it. Those who believe money will make their lives better often eventually realize that the opposite is true.