Maria, age 28, wants to pay no more than $300 a year in life insurance. What is the face value of the largest 20-year term policy she can buy without spending more than $300 annually?

Annual life insurance premium (per 1,000 dollars of face value) for age 28. A 10-year term for female is 1.28, 15 year term for female is 1.54, 20 year term for female is 1.89, and whole life for female is 9.46.

To find the face value of the largest 20-year term policy Maria can buy without spending more than $300 annually, we need to divide $300 by the annual life insurance premium per $1,000 of face value for a 20-year term for a female. The premium is $1.89 per $1,000.

Dividing $300 by $1.89 gives us:

$300 / $1.89 = 158.73

So, the largest face value Maria can buy is approximately $158,000.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b. $158,000.

To find the face value of the largest 20-year term policy that Maria can buy without spending more than $300 annually, we need to calculate the maximum premium she can pay and divide it by the annual premium per $1,000 of face value for a 20-year term policy.

Step 1: Calculate the maximum premium Maria can pay:
Maximum premium = $300

Step 2: Determine the annual premium per $1,000 of face value for a 20-year term policy for a female aged 28:
20-year term for female = $1.89

Step 3: Calculate the face value:
Face value = Maximum premium / Annual premium per $1,000 of face value
Face value = $300 / $1.89

Using a calculator, we find:
Face value ≈ $158.73

Therefore, the face value of the largest 20-year term policy that Maria can buy without spending more than $300 annually is approximately $158,000.

The correct answer is b. $158,000.