Write the following decimal number in binary.



To convert the decimal number 14 into binary, we can use the process of dividing the number by 2 repeatedly until we reach 0.

Step 1: Divide 14 by 2.
- The division gives us a quotient of 7 and a remainder of 0.

Step 2: Divide 7 by 2.
- The division gives us a quotient of 3 and a remainder of 1.

Step 3: Divide 3 by 2.
- The division gives us a quotient of 1 and a remainder of 1.

Step 4: Divide 1 by 2.
- The division gives us a quotient of 0 and a remainder of 1.

Now, we can read the remainders from bottom to top to get the binary representation of the decimal number 14.

14 in binary is 1110.