Question 2

a.What is a Binary Number System?
c.What is Binary to Decimal Conversion?
d.How to Convert Binary to Decimal Numbers?Describe the stepsof
I.Explains the conversion of a binary number (base-2) to an equivalent
decimal number (base-10).
b.What is a Decimal Number System?
differentformulas to perform the conversion.

a. The Binary Number System is a numerical system that uses only two digits, 0 and 1, to represent numbers. It is also known as the base-2 system because it uses a base of 2.

c. Binary to Decimal Conversion is the process of converting a binary number to its equivalent decimal representation.

d. The steps to convert a binary number to a decimal number are as follows:

1. Start from the rightmost digit of the binary number and assign a value of 2^0 (1) to the rightmost digit.
2. Move to the left and for each subsequent digit, double the previous value (2^n) and assign it to the digit, where n is the position of the digit from the right (starting from 0).
3. Multiply each digit by its corresponding value and sum all the results to obtain the decimal equivalent.

I. To convert a binary number to a decimal number, follow these steps:
1. Write down the binary number.
2. Start from the rightmost digit and assign a value of 1 to it.
3. Move to the left and for each subsequent digit, double the previous value assigned (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and so on).
4. Multiply each digit in the binary number by its corresponding value (0 or 1) and sum all the results to obtain the decimal equivalent.

b. The Decimal Number System is a numerical system that uses ten digits, 0 to 9, to represent numbers. It is also known as the base-10 system because it uses a base of 10. In the decimal system, each digit's value is based on its position, starting from the rightmost digit, which represents ones, followed by tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on.