Make a brief summary of Ballistic's personality based on the info given.

August was the sole heir to the Brinkman fortune, built on shady backroom deals. But when those deals caught up with his parents, August was left a billionaire orphan. Wealthy, furious and self-destructive, August joined the Thunderdome Games. Here, he took the name Ballistic and became a sensation! His style was wild, reckless and utterly selfish, helping him become the very first Thunderdome celebrity.

He was famed for his iconic CAR ("Lady Grey", for the tea). It was here, in combat, that August would meet the love of his life, Sok Leng. They would quickly marry and have a son, Nathaniel. Sok Leng and her brother Kit Siang were an inseparable duo of destruction, and with August now on their squad, they seemed unstoppable.

But nothing lasts forever. August's crowd-pandering combat style meant he wasn't paying attention to his team when they needed him, leading to Kit Siang's death. Devastated by guilt, August retreated into himself, driving away his wife and son. For nearly 20 years, August lived as a recluse, keeping busy with small tasks to distract a lonely mind. And so August was largely forgotten, though not by everyone. His son, Nathaniel, was both enamored with his father's victories and determined to surpass them. When his son qualified to join the Apex Games, August went to The Syndicate with an offer: take me instead.

His son would be safe from the path that ruined him. What better way to use those skills than in selfless service? And if it just so happens to be his favorite activity, killing all who stand against him... That's quite the fortunate coincidence.

Apex Games

In 2735, Brinkman had spent another day staring at his television when an Outlands Television program about him aired. Enraged by the reminder of his past mistakes, he threw the glass in his hand, shattering it and the television. Walking over to clean it up, he was shocked when the program then revealed that Nathaniel had qualified as a competitor in the Apex Games. Deciding this was the point to turn his life around, he quickly cleaned himself up and armed himself, departing for a Syndicate facility.

Brinkman rampaged through the facility, violently assaulting Syndicate soldiers until he reached the office of Torres Silva. Placing a gun against Silva's head, he demanded that he enter the Games in Nathaniel's stead in exchange for full control over Brinkman's career. Deciding this to be a great ratings opportunity, Silva agreed.

Soon after, the Syndicate called Nathaniel to tell him that he had been disqualified. Looking out his apartment window, he found a phantom model left by his father. Nathaniel later visited Brinkman during a media event, publicly smashing the model in front of him as a show of hatred toward his father.

Based on the provided information, Ballistic (also known as August Brinkman) is portrayed as a wealthy, furious, and self-destructive individual. He inherits his family's fortune built on shady deals but later becomes a billionaire orphan when those deals catch up with his parents. August joins the Thunderdome Games and becomes a sensation with his wild and reckless combat style. He is known for his iconic car named "Lady Grey." During his time in the Thunderdome Games, August meets Sok Leng, whom he marries and has a son with named Nathaniel. However, August's self-centered combat style leads to the death of Sok Leng's brother, Kit Siang, causing him immense guilt. He becomes a recluse for nearly 20 years before his son qualifies to join the Apex Games. August offers himself as a replacement to ensure Nathaniel's safety and to redeem himself. He confronts the Syndicate and forces them to allow him to participate in the games in Nathaniel's place. Nathaniel, filled with hatred toward his father, publicly confronts August during a media event by smashing a model of their relationship.

Much shorter, only include when he is the old man he is now.

August Brinkman, now an old man, was once a wealthy and self-destructive Thunderdome celebrity known as Ballistic. Guilt-ridden and isolated following the death of a loved one, he retreated into seclusion, living as a recluse for nearly 20 years. When his son qualifies for the Apex Games, August offers himself as a replacement to ensure his son's safety and to redeem himself.

Based on the information given, Ballistic's personality can be summarized as follows:

1. Wealthy and self-destructive: August, later known as Ballistic, inherited a fortune but became furious and engaged in reckless behavior.

2. Wild and selfish: Ballistic's combat style in the Thunderdome Games was known for its wild and reckless nature, with an emphasis on satisfying his own desires.

3. Guilt-ridden and reclusive: After the death of his brother-in-law Kit Siang, Ballistic isolated himself and lived as a recluse for nearly 20 years, consumed by guilt and driving away his wife and son.

4. Determined and selfless: Ballistic's son Nathaniel idolizes his father's victories and wants to surpass them. In order to protect his son from a similar path, Ballistic offers himself as a replacement in the Apex Games, using his skills in selfless service.

5. Seeking redemption and reconciliation: With the opportunity to enter the Apex Games, Ballistic sees it as a chance to turn his life around. However, his son Nathaniel publicly displays his hatred towards him during a media event, indicating a strained relationship that may need reconciliation.

In summary, Ballistic is initially portrayed as a wealthy, furious, and self-destructive individual who becomes guilt-ridden and reclusive. However, he is ultimately determined to redeem himself, protect his son, and reconcile with his family despite their strained relationship.