DIARY ENTRY D.No. 33. B. That night, when Abel came out of his house and reached the Ring O' Bells, he could not sleep for a long time. He felt very bad about the attitude of his daughters. He wished at least now if there was a change in their behaviour, he would be happy. Imagine you were Abel and write an entry in the Diary describing the feelings of Abel.​


Dear Diary,

Tonight has been a restless one for me. As I stepped out of my home and made my way towards the Ring O' Bells, the heaviness in my heart was undeniable. The events of the day had left me feeling profoundly saddened, and sleep seemed like a distant acquaintance.

My thoughts were consumed by the attitude of my daughters, and the disappointment I felt weighed heavily on my soul. It pained me to see the change in their behavior, as though they had forgotten their roots and the values I had instilled in them. They had always been so caring and compassionate, but now, their actions contrasted sharply with the memories I held dear.

I had hoped, perhaps naively, that their behavior would alter with time. But as each day passed, it became apparent that their actions were becoming more self-centered and detached from the world around them. It hurt me to witness their lack of empathy, the indifference they showed towards others who were not as fortunate as they were.

All I desired was to witness a change; a change that I hoped would rekindle the love and understanding that once thrived within our family. I yearned for the days when their smiles were genuine, their hearts compassionate, and their souls filled with goodness. My wish was simple, that at least now, they would awaken from their fog of self-centeredness and rediscover the joy of giving and caring for others.

Tonight, Diary, my thoughts will be consumed with this desire for change. I can only hope that the darkness that resides in their hearts will be illuminated by the light of compassion once again. It is my greatest wish to see them become the kind, empathetic souls I raised them to be.

As the night stretches on, I will pray for this transformation with bated breath. If, by some miracle, they find their way back to the path of goodness, happiness will grace my heart once more. I yearn for that day, dear Diary.



Dear Diary,

Tonight has been particularly challenging for me. As I left my house and made my way to the Ring O' Bells, sleep evaded me. My mind remained occupied, burdened by the heavy weight of disappointment and sadness stemming from the behavior of my own dear daughters.

I cannot help but feel an overwhelming sense of hurt and betrayal. All my life, I have strived to provide them with love, care, and guidance. I have always wished for their happiness and well-being. Yet, their recently exhibited attitude has left me questioning the effectiveness of my efforts as a father.

I had hoped that as they grew older, they would blossom into compassionate, understanding individuals. Individuals who would embody the values of kindness and gratitude that I earnestly tried to instill in them during their upbringing. However, it seems that my desires have fallen on deaf ears.

It is disheartening to witness their lack of appreciation for the sacrifices I have made for them. I have worked tirelessly, day in and day out, in order to ensure that they receive the best opportunities in life. Yet, instead of expressing gratitude, they treat me with indifference and disrespect.

In moments like these, I can't help but question where I went wrong as a father. Did I fail to teach them the importance of family and respect? Did I unknowingly overlook their emotional needs? As I grapple with these thoughts, I constantly search for answers, hoping that there is still a chance for change.

Despite the pain I feel, a small part of me longs for redemption. My heart yearns for my daughters to recognize their actions and understand the impact they have on me. Perhaps, if they were to alter their behavior, even in the slightest way, my happiness would be restored.

In this moment of despair, I find solace in writing my thoughts to you, dear diary. You listen, devoid of judgment, and offer me an outlet to pour out my emotions. As I confide in you, I find a sense of relief, knowing that my feelings are acknowledged and understood.

Tomorrow is another day, and I hold on to the hope that a positive change will surface in my daughters. I will continue to persevere and seek ways to mend our fractured relationship. For now, I must find the strength to face this tumultuous journey and strive for a brighter future.

Yours faithfully,
