In the country of Balmbak, the men of the country are getting excited about the upcoming elections. Women are also allowed to vote this year, although their right to vote is not protected by Balmbak’s constitution. The constitution guarantees elections every 3 years, and these elections always happen. The constitution also says that certain laws do not apply to the country’s leaders.
Which of the following are in place to limit the government of Balmbak?

Rule of Law
Minority Rights
Consent of the Governed
Separation of Power
Samaland has a king and two other branches of government. Samaland’s constitution says the two branches can check the king’s power; however, it also says the king is above the law. The king is not elected, and he does not really care what his people think about him. Even so, the judicial branch of government works to protect even the least powerful citizens from being abused by the king.
Which of the following are in place to limit the government of Samaland?

Rule of Law
Minority Rights
Consent of the Governed
Separation of Power
Lilidian is a country with no constitution. The President of Lilidan created six branches of government. Responsibilities are distributed among these six branches, and the branches can limit each other’s power. Lilidian has no document to guarantee the rights of its citizens, but one of the branches does pass laws that are followed by everyone in the country, including government officials.
Which of the following are in place to limit the government of Lilidian?

Rule of Law
Minority Rights
Consent of the Governed
Separation of Power
4. Your Opinion
Directions for #4. Rank the limits of government in order from 1 (best at limiting government) to 5 (worst at limiting government).

_______ Constitution
_______ Rule of Law
_______ Minority Rights
_______ Consent of Governed
_______ Separation of Power

Directions #5-7: Answer each of the following questions using complete sentences.

5. Provide one reason that you picked your number one limit to government.
6. Provide one reason that you picked your number five limit to government.
7. Do you think that government should be limited? Why or why not? Explain your answer by providing reasons and examples.

+5 PTS


1. The limits to the government of Balmbak are:

- Constitution: The constitution guarantees certain rights and outlines the governmental structure.
- Rule of Law: The laws apply to everyone, including the country's leaders.
- Minority Rights: The constitution does not specifically mention minority rights, so this limit may not be fully protected.
- Consent of the Governed: The elections occur every 3 years, allowing the citizens to have a say in the government.
- Separation of Power: The constitution may not explicitly mention the separation of powers, so this limit may not be fully protected.

2. The limits to the government of Samaland are:

- Constitution: The constitution mentions checks and balances, but also grants the king immunity from the law.
- Rule of Law: The king is stated to be above the law, limiting this principle.
- Minority Rights: The constitution does not specifically mention minority rights, so this limit may not be fully protected.
- Consent of the Governed: The king does not care about the opinions of his people, limiting their ability to have a say in the government.
- Separation of Power: The existence of two other branches of government suggests a separation of powers, but the king's immunity from the law may undermine this principle.

3. The limits to the government of Lilidian are:

- Constitution: Lilidian does not have a constitution, limiting this form of government restriction.
- Rule of Law: While laws are passed and followed in the country, without a constitution, there may not be a solid foundation for the rule of law.
- Minority Rights: The absence of a constitution may potentially undermine the protection of minority rights.
- Consent of the Governed: It is unclear how the government officials are chosen or if the citizens have a say in the government.
- Separation of Power: The existence of six branches of government suggests a distribution of power, but without a constitution, it is uncertain how effective this separation may be.

4. Ranking the limits to government from best to worst at limiting government:

1. Rule of Law
2. Constitution
3. Separation of Power
4. Minority Rights
5. Consent of Governed

5. I picked the Rule of Law as my number one limit to government because it ensures that everyone, including the government officials, are subject to and must abide by the law. This helps to prevent abuse of power and promotes fairness and equality.

6. I picked Consent of the Governed as my number five limit to government because in Samaland, the king does not care about the opinions of his people, limiting their ability to have a say in the government. This allows the government to operate without being held accountable to the will of the governed.

7. Yes, I believe that government should be limited. Limited government helps to prevent the concentration of power and protects the rights and freedoms of individuals. Without limits, those in power may abuse their authority, leading to a loss of liberty and potential oppression. Examples of limited government can be seen in democratic countries where there are checks and balances, separation of powers, and respect for the rule of law. This allows for accountability, transparency, and the protection of individual rights.

1. The following are in place to limit the government of Balmbak:

- Constitution: The constitution guarantees elections every 3 years and contains provisions that restrict the powers of the government.
- Rule of Law: Even though women's right to vote is not protected by the constitution, the rule of law implies that every citizen should be treated equally under the law.
- Minority Rights: It is not mentioned if minority rights are protected in Balmbak, so it cannot be assumed to be in place.
- Consent of the Governed: It is not explicitly mentioned if the government of Balmbak operates with the consent of its citizens, so it cannot be assumed to be in place.
- Separation of Power: It is not mentioned if there is a system of separation of powers in Balmbak, so it cannot be assumed to be in place.

2. The following are in place to limit the government of Samaland:
- Constitution: The constitution provides for checks and balances between the branches of government, but it also grants the king immunity from the law.
- Rule of Law: The judicial branch works to protect the citizens from abuse, which implies that the rule of law is in place to some extent.
- Minority Rights: It is not mentioned if minority rights are protected in Samaland, so it cannot be assumed to be in place.
- Consent of the Governed: It is not explicitly mentioned if the king governs with the consent of the people, so it cannot be assumed to be in place.
- Separation of Power: It is mentioned that there are two other branches of government that can check the king's power, which suggests a system of separation of powers.

3. The following are in place to limit the government of Lilidian:
- Constitution: Lilidian does not have a constitution, so it is not in place to limit the government.
- Rule of Law: It is not mentioned if there is a rule of law in Lilidian, so it cannot be assumed to be in place.
- Minority Rights: It is not mentioned if minority rights are protected in Lilidian, so it cannot be assumed to be in place.
- Consent of the Governed: It is not mentioned if the government operates with the consent of the people in Lilidian, so it cannot be assumed to be in place.
- Separation of Power: It is mentioned that there are six branches of government that can limit each other's power, suggesting a system of separation of powers.

4. My ranking of the limits of government from best to worst would be:
1) Rule of Law
2) Separation of Power
3) Consent of Governed
4) Constitution
5) Minority Rights

5. I picked Rule of Law as my number one limit to government because it ensures equality before the law and prevents abuse of power. It ensures that everyone, including the government, is held accountable for their actions.

6. I picked Minority Rights as my number five limit to government because it is not explicitly mentioned in the scenario if minority rights are protected. Protecting minority rights is essential for a fair and just society, and the absence of such protection indicates a weaker limit on government power.

7. I believe that government should be limited. Without limits, there is a risk of abuse of power and violation of people's rights. By having limits on government power, such as a constitution, rule of law, separation of powers, and consent of the governed, it helps ensure accountability, protect individual freedoms, and promote a fair and just society. Without these limits, there is a greater potential for corruption, inequality, and infringement on individual rights. History has shown that unchecked government power can lead to tyranny, and limited government is a crucial component of a democratic society.