What type of governments do Country 1 and Country 2 have?

Both Country 1 and Country 2 have presidential democracies.

Both Country 1 and Country 2 have parliamentary democracies.

Country 1 is a presidential democracy and Country 2 is a parliamentary democracy.

Country 1 is a parliamentary democracy and Country 2 is a presidential democracy.

To determine the type of government in Country 1 and Country 2, you can follow these steps:

1. Research Country 1: Look up the specific country online or in a reliable source, such as a government website or an international organizations like the United Nations or the World Factbook. Look for information about their political system or government structure.

2. Identify the political system: Determine whether Country 1 has a presidential or parliamentary system. In a presidential system, the head of state and government is typically a president elected by the people. In a parliamentary system, the head of state is usually a monarch or a president with limited powers, while the head of government is a prime minister elected by the legislature.

3. Repeat the process for Country 2: Carry out the same research steps for Country 2 and determine its political system.

4. Compare the findings: Once you have identified the political system in both countries, compare the results. If the political system is the same in both countries, then the answer options A and B can be eliminated. If the political systems differ, this will help narrow down the options.

Based on these steps:
- If both countries have presidential democracies, the answer would be A.
- If both countries have parliamentary democracies, the answer would be B.
- If Country 1 has a presidential democracy while Country 2 has a parliamentary democracy, the answer would be C.
- If Country 1 has a parliamentary democracy while Country 2 has a presidential democracy, the answer would be D.