OC stands for _____.

OC stands for Orange County.

'OC' as in writing/fanon.

In writing and fanon, OC stands for Original Character.

OC can have various meanings depending on the context. Some possible meanings include:

1. Orange County: It refers to a county located in Southern California, United States.

2. Obsessive-Compulsive: It is a mental health disorder characterized by uncontrollable thoughts and repetitive behaviors.

3. Original Content: It refers to content that is created by an individual as opposed to being copied or borrowed from someone else.

4. Overclocking: It is a process of increasing the operating frequency of a computer component, such as a processor or graphics card, beyond its intended speed.

5. Officer Commanding: It refers to the commanding officer of a military unit or a police department.

6. Olympic Committee: It refers to the organization responsible for overseeing and coordinating the Olympic Games.

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