Q9A & Q9B: Now that we know the percentages of total players that are extroverted and introverted, let's see if that made a difference in terms of who actually won their season.

What is the percentage of total extroverts and introverts that have won the game (count players only once even if they have won more than one season)? Save these percentages as Q9A and Q9B respectively. Note: Round all percentages to two decimal points and write as a float (example: 55.57).

To calculate the percentage of extroverts and introverts that have won the game, we need to divide the number of extroverted winners and introverted winners by the total number of players (counting each player only once). We will round the percentages to two decimal points.

Let's assume we have the following data:

Number of extroverted winners: E
Number of introverted winners: I
Total number of players: T

Using this information, we can calculate the percentages as follows:

Q9A = (E / T) * 100
Q9B = (I / T) * 100

Please provide the values of E, I, and T to calculate the percentages.

To calculate the percentages, we need to divide the number of extroverted winners and introverted winners by the total number of winners, and then multiply by 100.

Let's assume that out of the total winners, there are "W" extroverted winners and "W2" introverted winners.

The percentage of extroverted winners (Q9A) would be:

Q9A = (W / total winners) * 100

Similarly, the percentage of introverted winners (Q9B) would be:

Q9B = (W2 / total winners) * 100

Please provide the values for "W," "W2," and the total number of winners to calculate the exact percentages.